

Saving money has never been more important. We want to make it easy and cost effective for you to drive wherever, whenever you need to.

Staying informed and checking for lower prices every few months is key to every policyholder, as you could be saving instead of stuck in a costly arrangement. Each time you research, quote and check your options, it’s essential to consider relevant discounts.

Need help getting started? Contact and speak with a licensed agent to be sure that you are utilizing each and every one of the Florida Auto Insurance discounts available to you! We want to maximize your savings and offer solutions to keep your coverage truly affordable.


Call a live, licensed agent at 888.307.1907. Auto Insurance Quotes


Life Changes. Then so does your Coverage.


Life changes are often a great opportunity to apply discounts to your auto policy. So is being a responsible, considerate driver. According to the Florida Department of Financial Services, the following events and life circumstances may help you qualify for reduced car insurance premiums:




Floridians with certain occupations are rewarded with lower insurance rates, including teachers, nurses, accountants, and members of the armed forces.




The Florida Chief Financial Offer website states that statistics indicate a trend in single versus married drivers, claiming that single drivers are twice as likely to be involved in a crash as married drivers.




Enrolled in school? Good grades can help you reduce rates as well. Maintaining a “B” average is all you need in Florida to qualify for a Good Student discount among most insurers.




Less is more! Driving less is an extremely effective, environmentally friendly, and wonderful way to keep your auto insurance rates low. Consider moving closer to your job, joining a carpool or ride sharing service, utilize public transportation options, or commute by bike or foot to your frequently visited destinations.


Resources from the Florida Division of Consumer Services

Auto Insurance Toolkit (PDF)

Auto Insurance Mediation Program for Claims Disputes (PDF)

Auto Insurance Mediation Program for Claims Disputes – ESPANOL (PDF)