Commercial Insurance

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About Florida Commercial Insurance


What are the insurance requirements for a Small Business in Florida?


Florida does not require employers to purchase coverage for every aspect of their business.

However, other rules do apply. Any Florida business with four or more employees is required to provide Worker’s Compensation coverage.

The amount of coverage a company needs can vary greatly from industry to industry.





Does your job make you vulnerable to lawsuits?


If the answer is yes, you should consider policies like General Liability Insurance and Professional Liability Insurance.


Want to protect your property from theft and damage?


Commercial Property Insurance is a great option. What you need will be based off what you do. We offer coverage for numerous industries – from construction to food carts.


Below are a few most common insurance policies for small businesses.


Worker’s Compensation


If your business operates in Florida, you are required to purchase Worker’s Compensation with four or more employees.

When an employee is injured on the job, Worker’s Compensation Insurance will pay for expenses such as: medical bills, recovery costs, and partial missed wages.


Worker’s Compensation Insurance can help your business:


  1. Pay for expenses and replacement wages when an employee gets hurt while performing their work duties.
  2. Comply with Florida Worker’s Compensation laws.
  3. Assist with the cost of legal representation in the event of an employee lawsuit.



Professional Liability Insurance


Commonly called Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, this policy will protect your business against negligence claims.

E&O policies are useful when you break terms in a client contract. You can also utilize the company’s E&O when an error occurs that results in a client’s revenue loss, or negatively impacts your client’s business.

Professional Liability Insurance is not one-size-fits-all. Therefore, it truly is best to work with a knowledgeable, licensed commercial insurance agent.

We will help you find what you need to operate your business most effectively. Each of your unique concerns will be addressed in a customized policy.


Property Insurance


Your business property is a valuable asset and needs to be protected accordingly.

This includes your physical building, all the equipment and inventory.

Commercial Property Insurance will help cover the costs to repair something damaged or replace something stolen.