Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive Auto Insurance


Provides coverage for damage to your car resulting from fire, theft and other direct losses not excluded. The principal exclusions are for damage to certain electronic and sound equipment; tapes and other media; radar detectors; undeclared camper bodies; pre-existing damage; and customized equipment. is an insurance agency, not a lead company.
Call a live, licensed agent at 888.307.1907.


For many of the other ways your car can be damaged, comprehensive insurance assists with non-accident-related expenses. While qualifying events vary with each insurer, they generally include storms, flooding, fire, hurricanes, animals, vandalism and theft. If hurricane season hits the area especially badly, and a tree collapses and shatters your windshield, comprehensive coverage would be your go-to. With most carriers, you can select a deductible from $0 to more than $1,000 to maximize your protection.


Comprehensive and Collision coverages are NOT provided for any rental vehicle or for any vehicle while used as a temporary substitute for a vehicle you own which is out of normal use because of its breakdown, repair, servicing, loss or destruction.