Uninsured Motorist Insurance

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage is a form of insurance which protects you from any damages that may be caused by an at-fault driver with little or no liability insurance to cover the damages.

When a driver hits your vehicle – or even you, you might expect the person’s insurance to cover for your damage. Now, what if the person doesn’t have insurance coverage?

According to a survey, one out of seven drivers in the US has no auto insurance. In fact, it’s as high as 25% driving population in some states. So when such drivers hit your vehicle, they may not be able to cover the liabilities caused by the accident. Thus, the creation of the Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage by car insurance companies.


Get the best rates on Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage.

Speak to a live, licensed insurance agent for an instant quote: 888.307.1907



Your uninsured motorist coverage covers you when you’re involved in a not-at-fault accident, and the driver doesn’t have ANY INSURANCE AT ALL. The underinsured motorist coverage, on the other hand, kicks in when the at-fault driver does have insurance, but the damages caused far exceed the liability limit of their insurance.

Meanwhile, these two coverage options can be further divided into two:

The uninsured/underinsured motorist property damage; and

The underinsured/uninsured motorist bodily injury.

What is uninsured property damage insurance coverage?

Often called UIM PD, uninsured property damage cover is quite similar to collision coverage; a coverage which protects your vehicle from physical damage during an accident. Although it usually comes with a deductible, your insurer is most likely to reimburse you and later send the invoice to the at-fault party. The major difference between collision damage and uninsured property damage is the way each subscription may impact your premium. Although it varies from company to company, collision claims are often regarded as at-faults accidents by insurance companies – which typically causes your premium to rise. But with the uninsured property damage cover, it’s seen as a not-at-fault accident.

What is uninsured bodily injury insurance coverage?

The uninsured bodily injury insurance covers you when you sustain bodily injury when hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver. The cover typically includes medical bills and other auxiliary fees. Unlike the property damage coverage, this insurance doesn’t come with any deductibles.

Do you need uninsured motorist insurance coverage?

Even though some states require that you carry uninsured motorist coverage, you might consider the policy anyway for the following reasons – even if your state of residence doesn’t require you to do so:

You live in a state like Florida where there’s a large number of insured drivers.

You want to protect yourself against hit-and-run drivers, or even being hit by a car as a pedestrian.

You have a valuable car, and your state’s minimum liability coverage is unusually low and may not cover the damages caused to your car.



Prices vary based on your driving history, accidents, coverage, credit + other factors.


Call for a free, instant quote:

Toll free 888.307.1907

Local 954.519.3443


2950 W Cypress Creek Road, Suite 200

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

