

Kemper Personal Insurance is a favorite carrier at, frequently chosen for its affordable and reliable products.

We quote and sell various types of coverage through Kemper to our Auto and Home Insurance customers in Florida, and Small Commercial clients as well.


Company Overview


Kemper is a diversified holding company in the insurance sector offering personal and commercial lines nationally. Kemper works with independent agencies, such as and our team of licensed agents.

Kemper partners with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonprofit research and communications organization for car insurance companies. The institute has been working for more than 30 years to identify problems and solutions to prevent motor vehicle crashes, and minimize injuries from crashes that have already happened.

Kemper also partners with the Institute for Business & Home Safety, a nonprofit association that specializes in communication, research, engineering and education. The key goal of the IBHS is to lower the number of deaths, injuries, property damages, financial losses, and human suffering caused by natural disasters.

Financial strength at Kemper is reassuring from all major rating organizations, making it easy to trust that your claims will be covered and your policy is in fact secure. AM Best, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s each give Kemper an A-.

With over $12 billion in assets, Kemper provides security and peace of mind to more than 6.4 million policies, is represented by over 30,000 agents and brokers, and has over 8,000 employees working to help its customers and maintain a superior level of quality.


Kemper Company Subsidiaries Include:


  • Kemper Direct: Auto and Home Coverage
  • Kemper Personal and Commercial Lines: Auto, Home and Package Plus plans through independent agents
  • Kemper Home Service Companies: Health and Life Insurance
  • Reserve National: Health and Life Insurance
  • Kemper Specialty California: Personal Auto Insurance in California through independent agents, serving the nonstandard market.


Important Customer Information


Online Member Services


Service Your Auto Insurance Policy Online


Register Your Kemper Policy Online


Contact Member Services

Phone Numbers

Claims: 888.252.2799
Customer Service: 877.252.7878
Mortgage Verification: 877.589.8883
Suspected Insurance Fraud: 866.372.8382

Mailing Addresses


Kemper Claims, P.O. Box 2855, Clinton, IA 52733


Kemper Personal Insurance, 12926 Gran Bay Parkway West, Jacksonville, FL 32258


Pay Your Kemper Premium

Visit the eKemper Policyholder Login


Nonstandard Personal Auto Customer Login


Kemper offers a number of options to submit your premium payment as quickly and easily as possible. You may pay your Kemper Insurance premium in full or break it up into two payments, or pay monthly or quarterly installments.



If an early payment is made and a bill is not already generated, Kemper will apply the payment to all future drafts, yet they will still draft payment on the due date.


Accepted Payment Methods:


Automatic Payments by EFT or credit card (Visa or Mastercard).


Payments are automatically deducted from your bank account or credit card.


One-time payments by mail, phone, eCheck or online.


Single premium payments can be mailed or submitted by phone 24/7 at 877.488.7488.

One-time payments can also be submitted through eCheck.

The funds are automatically withdrawn from your bank account, or through our website when you register your policy.



Underwriting & Service Information for Kemper Policies

Billing Dates & Policies

The First Installment is 27 days after the Policy Effective Date.


How to Upload Kemper Policyholder Documents


Send your documents, such as declarations pages, vehicle images, proof of prior coverage, and drivers license photos to:


Kemper E-Signature Help Guide


Get the right auto insurance for your budget, driving history, and vehicle now.

Call an agent at 888.307.1907. Quote and purchase coverage directly at